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Ariana Grande Sex Music Video For “Thank U, Next”

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    Added: 6 years ago

    Categories: Celebrity

    Tags: Ariana Grande

    It appears as though the inevitable has finally happened and Ariana Grande has released an X-rated sex music video for her smash hit single “Thank U, Next”.Ariana Grande is tearing up the charts right now, and at one point held the top 3 positions in the Billboard Top 100. A feat that hadn’t been done since the Beatles in 1964. This of course comes as no surprise for if there is one thing the hopelessly depraved infidel public likes more than a group of foppish British homofags, it is a former child star turned mudshark whore singing about getting gang banged.Speaking of which, “Thank u, next” is clearly a song about Ariana’s days working the casting couches at Nickelodeon, so it is quite fitting that this music video now features some gratuitous sex scenes. Although to be accurate the guy banging Ariana should be morbidly obese with a crocked micro penis like Dan Schneider’s.

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