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Starting in %d<\/span>.<\/p>","live_stream_retry":" Retrying in %d<\/span> ...<\/p>","live_stream_continue":" Retrying in %d<\/span> ...<\/p>","embed_copied":"Embed Code Copied to Clipboard","error_copy_clipboard":"Error copying text into clipboard!","subtitles_disabled":"Subtitles disabled","subtitles_switched":"Subtitles switched to ","warning_iphone_subs":"This video has subtitles, that are not supported on your device.","warning_unstable_android":"You are using an old Android device. If you experience issues with the video please use Firefox<\/a>.","warning_samsungbrowser":"You are using the Samsung Browser which is an older and buggy version of Google Chrome. If you experience issues with the video please use Firefox<\/a> or other modern browser.","warning_old_safari":"You are using an old Safari browser. If you experience issues with the video please use Firefox<\/a> or other modern browser.","warning_old_chrome":"You are using an old Chrome browser. Please make sure you use the latest version.","warning_old_firefox":"You are using an old Firefox browser. Please make sure you use the latest version.","warning_old_ie":"You are using a deprecated browser. If you experience issues with the video please use Firefox<\/a> or other modern browser.","quality":"Quality","closed_captions":"Closed Captions","no_subtitles":"No subtitles","speed":"Speed","duration_1_day":"%s day","duration_n_days":"%s days","duration_1_hour":"%s hour","duration_n_hours":"%s hours","duration_1_minute":"%s min","duration_n_minutes":"%s mins","duration_1_second":"%s second","duration_n_seconds":"%s seconds","and":" and ","chrome_extension_disable_html5_autoplay":"It appears you are using the Disable HTML5 Autoplay Chrome extension, disable it to play videos","click_to_unmute":"Click to unmute","audio_button":"AUD","audio_menu":"Audio","iphone_swipe_up_location_bar":"To enjoy fullscreen swipe up to hide location bar.","invalid_youtube":"Invalid Youtube video ID.","redirection":"Admin note:\n\nThis player is set to redirect to a URL at the end of the video:\n\n%url%\n\nWould you like to be redirected?\n\nThis note only shows to logged in Administrators and Editors for security reasons, other users are redirected without any popup or confirmation.","video_loaded":"Video loaded, click to play.","msg_no_skipping":"Skipping is not allowed.","msg_watch_video":"Please watch the video carefully."};var fv_flowplayer_playlists = [];/* ]]> */
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