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Age: July 8, 1988

Gender: female

Eye Color: amber

Hair Color: black

Weight: 121lbs

Height: 1.52 m

Cupsize: 34C

Ethnicity: White / Caucasian

Country: USA

City: Randolph, New Jersey

Official Site: Visit Site

I am a Feisty Little Cosplay Model, Writer, Photographer, Part Time Flake, Gamer, Nerd Girl, Professional Eccentric and Muse. I’m half Nerd from her father’s side and half mystical creature from my mother’s.

My passion for gaming began when I was all but a wee 2 year old lass, who sat on my father’s lap to reach the computer and play Dragon’s Lair and McGee games.

As someone who suffered from severe social anxiety in school I saw video games and card games as a release and escape. Rather than painting my nails or learning how to braid my hair, I would compete in Magic the Gathering, build theme parks in Roller Coaster Tycoon, save the world from mutant tentacles, battle Sephiroth, discover I was a child of Bhaal, traveled through various planes of existence to learn what can change the nature of a man, and trained Pokemon into the late hours of the night.

I was content in my virtual world and really didn’t have much of a social life as a child outside of my small group of friends. Back then there was no wireless multiplayer options so my parents connected all of our computers by long LAN cables we ran through the floor and through rooms to play Diablo. Even though my mom would make fun of games and call them “dorky” she too spent many, many hours kicking butt in the dungeons and catacombs.

Before conventions became the phenomenon they are today, I had quite a few experiences at cons at a young age. My father would take me to conventions throughout the north east (game conventions, comic cons, computer shows, Magic the Gathering tournaments, miniature war game conventions). Some of my fondest memories of with my dad growing up were on these adventures.

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