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SooGSX Anal Doggystyle Sex Tape PPV Video Leaked

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    1 Comment

    1. Les Sell

      December 14, 2023 at 7:47 pm

      Her boyfriend is a total asshole! He knows nothing about pleasing a woman sexually. He is a control freak. Soogsx is a 20 year old, naive beautiful young lady. She’s in a situation she really doesn’t want to be in. She is owned. She is inexperienced sexually and I believe that she is unusually “tight and small” in her vagina and anal opening. She seems to be in pain many times and her boyfriend is not large at all. I’ve seen other videos where she appears to be drugged and physically abused. Her boyfriend has no problem smacking her around on video. He’s an ass and she’s afraid of her own shadow most of the time. She’s always looking to someone for direction, other than her boyfriend, who needs more direction then she does! If I ever ran across him, I would knock him back to the womb, hoping he would grow up a different man-boy.

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